



1.在景福宫( Gyeongbokgung경복궁역 )地铁站4号出口前面的二楼一家名为「Daehan Hanbok」的出租韩服店见 2.穿上韩服 3.在景福宫拍照 4.回到韩服租赁店 我可以自信地说,我们的团队已准备就绪,为您提供最佳服务:) 我们的韩服租赁店(私人韩服助理、跳线)将为您提供VIP服务 在摄像头前感到紧张吗? 当您知道自己正在拍摄照片时,每个人都可以冻结。 不过,我说:「别担心。「我会告诉您如何摆拍,要看哪里,让您感到舒适! 我是一名摄影师、模特和Youtuber ,所以我知道在摄像头前怎么表现出来:) *参与者 最多可加4位 *包含的服务: 公开活动: -10张已您选择精修的照片 -超过至少100张未编辑的照片 (我们提供游览期间拍摄的所有照片) -有机会见很棒的人! 私人活动: -一共有20张已精修的照片(无论参与者人数为何) -至少200多张未编辑的照片 *不包括 -韩服和编发(每一个人20,000韩币,在韩服店额外收费) 其他注意事项: 拍摄会在室外拍摄,因此请务必穿上舒适的鞋子(最好是白色或黑色)
#1 Night Market Food Tour! This is the top-rated food activity in Seoul, come see why 3,000+ Five Star reviews say it all! Indulge in a feast of delicious Korean cuisine with all food and drinks included. You'll leave feeling completely satisfied! Embark on a journey of cultural discovery as we explore a famous night market and learn about its rich history. Afterward, I'll take you to my personal favorite spots where you'll get a taste of authentic Korean dishes and drinks. Get ready to have some fun as I teach you the exciting and playful world of Korean drinking games. Whether you're coming alone or with friends, I'll make sure you have a great night out and an unforgettable Korean experience. Please note: I'll provide a variety of authentic foods and drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. If you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies, please let me know in advance. *This tour may not be entirely suitable for vegetarians as there are some dishes that they would need to skip. If you're interested in a private tour, feel free to send me a message."
This perfumery workshop takes place in a beautiful Korean house, where you will learn how to make your own perfume with a basic lesson. We will smell our 30 best scent bases that I created from raw materials, and we'll share our feelings and emotions. After you choose three of your favorite scents, I will help you blend them to make a perfume that's just for you. Your signature perfume will be much better than the famous brand's. Other things to note - Please do not wear perfume before the workshop. - Please arrive on time in respect for other guests. - You can not have friends or family member who has not booked in the workshop.
优惠 l 月光下的首尔漫步游
The best night walking tour with a local historian! Let's visit hidden gems that foreigners would not notice! Travel with June & Jessica. We are a local historian guides ready to make your travel more valuable :) Let's look at the cultures & social issues of local life with fantastic night views. This tour will absolutely make a great experience for you. (With a Perfect Sunset!!) We are walking up to a beautiful historical monument, Hanyang City Wall(Naksan park), which is famous for incredible night views of Seoul. More we walk up, the more lights will shine through the night of Seoul. On the top of the hill, all the scenery that Seoul wants to show you will bloom in your sight! On our way, we will be visiting Ehwa mural village, Maronie park, Seoul national university, Naksan park, and Hanyang city wall. Every single area has a unique atmosphere & stories of locals. And with a spoon of fun history, you will see Korea in a whole different view. Just bring your body in good condition. I will take you to places and give stories which foreigners would never find themselves. *For people with walking issues, it might be hard to join. Please text me in advance if you have one.
저의 아뜰리에에서 1시간 30분정도 여러분만의 기억과 이미지에 근거하여 자신이 표현하고자 하는 향을 만드실 겁니다. 자신만의 향을 만들때 400가지의 향수 재료들이 있기 때문에 여러분과 충분히 대화를 나누고 그 중에서 가장 여러분이 표현하고자 하는 향과 맞는 재료들을 4~8개 고르실 거에요. 고르신 향료들을 맡아보며 40g의 용량을 기준으로 비율들을 짜보며 나만의 향을 만드시고 완성되어진 향수는 가져가실 수 있습니다. 기타 주의사항 체험이 끝나고 50ml 향수를 제공해 드립니다.


1.在景福宫( Gyeongbokgung경복궁역 )地铁站4号出口前面的二楼一家名为「Daehan Hanbok」的出租韩服店见 2.穿上韩服 3.在景福宫拍照 4.回到韩服租赁店 我可以自信地说,我们的团队已准备就绪,为您提供最佳服务:) 我们的韩服租赁店(私人韩服助理、跳线)将为您提供VIP服务 在摄像头前感到紧张吗? 当您知道自己正在拍摄照片时,每个人都可以冻结。 不过,我说:「别担心。「我会告诉您如何摆拍,要看哪里,让您感到舒适! 我是一名摄影师、模特和Youtuber ,所以我知道在摄像头前怎么表现出来:) *参与者 最多可加4位 *包含的服务: 公开活动: -10张已您选择精修的照片 -超过至少100张未编辑的照片 (我们提供游览期间拍摄的所有照片) -有机会见很棒的人! 私人活动: -一共有20张已精修的照片(无论参与者人数为何) -至少200多张未编辑的照片 *不包括 -韩服和编发(每一个人20,000韩币,在韩服店额外收费) 其他注意事项: 拍摄会在室外拍摄,因此请务必穿上舒适的鞋子(最好是白色或黑色)
#1 Night Market Food Tour! This is the top-rated food activity in Seoul, come see why 3,000+ Five Star reviews say it all! Indulge in a feast of delicious Korean cuisine with all food and drinks included. You'll leave feeling completely satisfied! Embark on a journey of cultural discovery as we explore a famous night market and learn about its rich history. Afterward, I'll take you to my personal favorite spots where you'll get a taste of authentic Korean dishes and drinks. Get ready to have some fun as I teach you the exciting and playful world of Korean drinking games. Whether you're coming alone or with friends, I'll make sure you have a great night out and an unforgettable Korean experience. Please note: I'll provide a variety of authentic foods and drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. If you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies, please let me know in advance. *This tour may not be entirely suitable for vegetarians as there are some dishes that they would need to skip. If you're interested in a private tour, feel free to send me a message."
Are you ready to go outside without a mask on your face? Isn’t it exciting but at the same time are you worried about going bare-faced after wearing a mask every single day for almost 3 years? Register for a makeup class NOW! ✅ People around the world are well aware that Korean women are especially interested in beauty, right? Learn how to make your skin look good and younger with a Korean makeup artist in K-beauty style. ✅what kind of makeup style do you want to learn?? Ex) Natural makeup , Idol or celebrity makeup , Daily makeup Party makeup ✅What will you learn in the class? 0. Skin care that suits your skin type 1. Applying foundation that matches your skin tone 2. Applying eyeshadow correctly 3. Applying eyeliner and mascara correctly 4. Drawing eyebrows that can greatly influence your impression 5. Highlighting and shading to make your face look slimmer 6. Applying blush and lipstick correctly ❇️While the makeup artist will demonstrate to you the makeup skills on one side of your face, you can practice and master makeup with the meticulous help of experts. ❇️ Please tell me about your difficulties you encounter when you are doing your makeup and I will solve your problems. Please contact me for adjusting time and group lessons. If you are beginner, private lesson(1:1) is more effective than group.! Only makeup service is available. IG: @suyeonnnnnnnnnn
Absolute: Seoul Pub Crawl The ORIGINAL Seoul Pub Crawl and OFFICIAL sponsor of FUN and HAPPINESS in Seoul! Join us every Friday(in Itaewon) and Thursday& Saturday(in Hongdae) for three nights of "ABSOLUTE" FUN and HAPPINESS! Three events in the two most popular areas of Seoul! Socializing, dancing, and drinking are only a few of the things that you should expect from our amazing parties. Together with us, your friendly guides, and Party Animals from Korea and all around the world, you will visit 4+ bars/clubs and have fun while doing so! Join us on a pub crawl and experience what Seoul nightlife has to offer while making new friends and memories. *Group sizes may not always be the same, but our dedication to providing a fun and welcoming experience is always guaranteed *Thursdays offer a special chance for a more intimate pub crawl experience with smaller groups Other things to note 1. You MUST bring any PHYSICAL ID from your country (passport, drivers license, ID etc.)(NO photos) 2. Dress code is casual but NO gym shorts, tank tops(men), flip-flops, sandals, sweatpants, track pants etc. 3. You can join us if you are born in or before 2005 and not older than 40* years old(*soft limit, contact us if older and want to join) 4. In most clubs smoking is allowed
This perfumery workshop takes place in a beautiful Korean house, where you will learn how to make your own perfume with a basic lesson. We will smell our 30 best scent bases that I created from raw materials, and we'll share our feelings and emotions. After you choose three of your favorite scents, I will help you blend them to make a perfume that's just for you. Your signature perfume will be much better than the famous brand's. Other things to note - Please do not wear perfume before the workshop. - Please arrive on time in respect for other guests. - You can not have friends or family member who has not booked in the workshop.


【一定要读】 你好,我是Rae。 这是韓服( Hanbok )的「肖像摄影之旅」韓服。 我们将在景福宫( Gyeongbokgung palace )与您见面。 在参观宫殿的同时拍摄肖像。 1.房客可以穿韩服/或穿自己的衣服。 (此体验不提供韩服,客需要自行出租) 2.我们的主要射击场所是景福宫( Gyeongbokgung Palace )。 如果房客想更换房源, 如需了解具体的拍摄详情,请随时联系我。 3.提供70 ~ 400张原始照片,提供7 ~ 60张经过编辑的照片, 30% Photoshop/70%色彩校正 (取决于预订类型) 4.预订指示: 【一般/个人预订】 -如果独自旅行,您可以进行一般/个人预订。 (可供四人同时预订。 您可能会结识独自旅行的新朋友。) -拍摄时间将根据房客人数而定。 不用担心时间,不会影响照片的数量和质量! ! ! 包场预订】-【私人团体 预订需要最低价格。 当您预订住宿时,请务必为您的团体添加人数。 对于两人或两人以上的团体,请在确认页面上查看「独立团体」,您将获得更多折扣,也可以为您的团体获得整个时间段。 -我将为您提供一次更个性化的拍摄,以满足您的团体/家庭/个人摄影需求。 还有更多照片,
[The original Seoul Pub Crawl that has been the largest in Korea and been hosting the most guests since 2012] ---- We are going to 3 bars and 1 club with 40-70 people together in Hongdae or Itaewon which are the two main districts for Seoul's nightlife. The bars are popular and the clubs are one of the hottest ones in the area! -INCLUSIONS- 1. The Seoul Pub Crawl wrsitband that gives you - Skip the line - Guaranteed FREE entry - Discount access to 1-2 bars 2. 4 drink coupons (usually 3 shots + 1 cocktail) 3. Party captain ---- *Please message me before booking to find out the area you will join *When I am not available, one of my friends who is also a Seoul nightlife expert will be hosting :) *For the first 3 bars, there is no age limit but, at the club (last venue) there might be a limit of 19-34 years old only. *This tour is 4.5 hours, but as Seoul never sleeps, you can go on until whenever. *Seoul Pub Crawl is a trademark and I legally own it. The other tour calling itself 'Seoul Pub Crawl' is plagiarizing the trademark and causing unnecessary confusion among guests.
优惠 l 月光下的首尔漫步游
The best night walking tour with a local historian! Let's visit hidden gems that foreigners would not notice! Travel with June & Jessica. We are a local historian guides ready to make your travel more valuable :) Let's look at the cultures & social issues of local life with fantastic night views. This tour will absolutely make a great experience for you. (With a Perfect Sunset!!) We are walking up to a beautiful historical monument, Hanyang City Wall(Naksan park), which is famous for incredible night views of Seoul. More we walk up, the more lights will shine through the night of Seoul. On the top of the hill, all the scenery that Seoul wants to show you will bloom in your sight! On our way, we will be visiting Ehwa mural village, Maronie park, Seoul national university, Naksan park, and Hanyang city wall. Every single area has a unique atmosphere & stories of locals. And with a spoon of fun history, you will see Korea in a whole different view. Just bring your body in good condition. I will take you to places and give stories which foreigners would never find themselves. *For people with walking issues, it might be hard to join. Please text me in advance if you have one.
Homemade Korean Kitchen Experience
Korea is more than just Seoul. Our goal is to bring you to the different cities/regions of Korea by sharing our stories & love for local cuisines Korean food is all about sharing. You can spend hours with your friends, eating slowly and enjoying drinks throughout the evening. That’s what it’s all about. Have any food restrictions? Whether you’re vegan, don’t eat pork, or don’t drink alcohol, we’ve got you covered. Traveling alone or with your family? Everyone is welcome. Eating Korean food is about getting together, helping each other out, and having a great time with food, drinks, and lots of laughs. :) Come to our hidden spot for an authentic homemade food dinner party, where tasty food meets good friends. Get ready for a fun night full of laughter and stories you’ll want to tell over and over again.
Explore the Timeless Culture and Tradition of Korea
This is a summary of the tour : 1. Bukchon Hanok village(***Hilly Neighborhood***) 2.Insadong 3.Ikseon hanok village ***I would kindly suggest preparing a bottle of water (May ~ September) June / rainy season June ~ September / very strong sun, hot and humid *** We'll dive into the history of Bukchon Hanok Village, where you can see traditional architecture and lifestyle still thrive. We'll visit unique, must-see spots, and uncover fascinating tales from this picturesque community. Immerse yourself in a true cultural experience unlike any other. I will tell you the short history of Seoul and Why Seoul is chosen as the capital city in first place and also you will get to know about the traditional house. Insadong is a traditional Korean handicraft street and known for traditional food and drink teas. On this tour, I'll introduce about this place and going to visit a something unique place! Lastly, We will visit Ikseon Hanok neighborhood to introduce another hanok village where you can see full of unique Hanok-style cafes and restaurants in the village. And I will tell you few of informative things for your travel :) Join me for an immersive cultural experience!! IG : @imcuminseed


*Heat packs provided Discover how the younger generation of South Korea cope with the pressures of the country's economic achievements. Travel with June & Jessica who will take you to deeper layers of Korean society. We are local historian guides who can show you Koreans’ society & thoughts through modern histories Follow us through bustling streets tucked between highrise buildings. Gaze at the endless advertisements for various beauty products, luxury brands, and even plastic surgery clinics. Realize what you are seeing reflects a deep issue in Korean society. ------------------- The Korean system achieved outstanding results of development, but also left lots of challenges behind. What are making a wealthy country, Korea, into one of the unhappiest countries in the world? On your tour learn about the darker aspects of living in South Korea. Find out why Korea has such high suicide rates, a low birth rate, an intense emphasis placed on education, and the country's obsession with beauty. Gain a different perspective as you stroll the wealthy neighborhood to the tour's end point at the Han River. After the tour, you will be able to see this country in a whole different view!
Hi. I am Helen Jeongju Kim. In this workshop, I will not only teach you how to write beautifully, but also how to experience the joy of carving a handcrafted seal. You will create a design using your name. During this activity, your mind will relax and you will experience healing through the slow analog, tactile sensibility of everyday life. I will teach you how to design and carve your name with a engraving knife on a small stone. First, I shows two ways to engrave the seal and demonstrates how to carve with a carving knife.(straight line, circle, etc.) Then I helps you learn to hold the engraving tool and practice properly. Next, I show the way to design the names and help to design according to syllable of name. You go for it and then cover with ink of Korean style and take a stamp. Once the engraving is over, you can choose a elegant case for your stone seal. It will be an opportunity to rethink the meaning of your name that you have forgotten while carving the seal. When you return home, you'll enjoy looking at the stamp you carved and remembering your travels. I'll write down a message for you in K-calligraphy after you have stamp your seal on a postcard I prepare. Public transportation is convenient. Other things to note -The name stone is not as hard as you think. -Even a 10-year-old can use a tool to carve an own seal.
During my bike tour, I will rent bikes for you and we will ride along the Han River bike route for about 2 hours. There will be many stops where you can take pictures and I will tell you interesting histories about the places. I know the route very well, so I will guide you to the easiest Han River bike route where there are no ups and downs. Very flat and easy. Even 5 year old kid can join my tour! You will enjoy the fantastic views of Seoul and the Han River. If you are sick and tired of the crowded touristy areas in Seoul, my bike tour will cleanse(?) you! It will be very refreshing and healing! *Optional After the ride, if you want to experience authentic Korean foods, I'll take you to a traditional Korean market or restaurant where you can enjoy authentic Korean foods. Why don't you visit my IG? You will be informed of the must-eat foods, must-visit places, must-do activities and etc in Korea. @wookeunshin
**Tasting and Brewing Korea's Traditional Liquor Makgeolli** If you're Interested in Korea's traditional Liquor Makgeolli, This is the experience you've been Looking for! Learn and discover About Traditional Makgeolli and it's History with Local brewer "Kim Chi Seung" Who's working From Generations to Generation as a Makgeolli brewer. - *Class notifications* (2024/02/20) We Found out that Many of our Customer's Gave up brewing Their Own Makgeolli Dew to the lack of "Nullook" (Traditional Korean Yeast) and I felt so sorry for that. Therefore we Did our Own research for Half a year and Just Added a new Session in our "makgeolli brewing Class" For you to learn How to Make Nullook without any Extra Fees. Thank you And I promise That I will do my best to give you a Good experience - We offer 2 differnt types of Traditional Makgeollies as a taster for Every Participants (Chages from seasons) Learn How to Find a Good ingredients for makgeolli and How to Prepare the Ingredients for Makgeolli Including Nullook You can brew you own Classic Makgeolli with Natural ingredients (Recipes written more than 300 year ago) , and also drink them right after the class. ( We Brew Makgeoli a week before) You can drink The makgeolli 5 Days after the class , in case you're short on time you can choose between The makgeolli We've brewed or the one you've brewed
"韩国女性为什么皮肤都好呢?" "韩国女人为什么化妆都好呢?" "我想化妆,但是不知道怎么化妆。" 只要这当中有一个符合,就来这门课吧! Airbnb Experience Korea 体验韩国第1次体验, 惟一由电视制作的工厂, 超过三千名客人最喜爱的! ▶进行顺序 -清洁 - 护肤 - 个人定制自然妆容 ▶这些都可以拿走! -看起来至少年轻5岁以上的蜂蜜皮肤 现在可以在家独自尝试一下在江南店化妆了! -class中实际使用的各皮肤类型定制化妆品目录 - 化妆品种类,各品牌详细说明 首先,我们将进入所有化妆品店,在所有化妆品店附近。 然后去掉所有的化妆品,开始自然化妆。 这是一张K-Beauty的标志,当然,你的皮肤也很漂亮。 我将提供有关各种品牌产品和产品的个性化建议和建议。 欢迎光临美国! ▶Instagram @cyoungpark_ 其他注意事项 你可以用你自己的化妆品来装饰自己的化妆品。


1.在景福宫( Gyeongbokgung경복궁역 )地铁站4号出口前面的二楼一家名为「Daehan Hanbok」的出租韩服店见 2.穿上韩服 3.在景福宫拍照 4.回到韩服租赁店 我可以自信地说,我们的团队已准备就绪,为您提供最佳服务:) 我们的韩服租赁店(私人韩服助理、跳线)将为您提供VIP服务 在摄像头前感到紧张吗? 当您知道自己正在拍摄照片时,每个人都可以冻结。 不过,我说:「别担心。「我会告诉您如何摆拍,要看哪里,让您感到舒适! 我是一名摄影师、模特和Youtuber ,所以我知道在摄像头前怎么表现出来:) *参与者 最多可加4位 *包含的服务: 公开活动: -10张已您选择精修的照片 -超过至少100张未编辑的照片 (我们提供游览期间拍摄的所有照片) -有机会见很棒的人! 私人活动: -一共有20张已精修的照片(无论参与者人数为何) -至少200多张未编辑的照片 *不包括 -韩服和编发(每一个人20,000韩币,在韩服店额外收费) 其他注意事项: 拍摄会在室外拍摄,因此请务必穿上舒适的鞋子(最好是白色或黑色)
#1 Night Market Food Tour! This is the top-rated food activity in Seoul, come see why 3,000+ Five Star reviews say it all! Indulge in a feast of delicious Korean cuisine with all food and drinks included. You'll leave feeling completely satisfied! Embark on a journey of cultural discovery as we explore a famous night market and learn about its rich history. Afterward, I'll take you to my personal favorite spots where you'll get a taste of authentic Korean dishes and drinks. Get ready to have some fun as I teach you the exciting and playful world of Korean drinking games. Whether you're coming alone or with friends, I'll make sure you have a great night out and an unforgettable Korean experience. Please note: I'll provide a variety of authentic foods and drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. If you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies, please let me know in advance. *This tour may not be entirely suitable for vegetarians as there are some dishes that they would need to skip. If you're interested in a private tour, feel free to send me a message."
This perfumery workshop takes place in a beautiful Korean house, where you will learn how to make your own perfume with a basic lesson. We will smell our 30 best scent bases that I created from raw materials, and we'll share our feelings and emotions. After you choose three of your favorite scents, I will help you blend them to make a perfume that's just for you. Your signature perfume will be much better than the famous brand's. Other things to note - Please do not wear perfume before the workshop. - Please arrive on time in respect for other guests. - You can not have friends or family member who has not booked in the workshop.
Are you ready to go outside without a mask on your face? Isn’t it exciting but at the same time are you worried about going bare-faced after wearing a mask every single day for almost 3 years? Register for a makeup class NOW! ✅ People around the world are well aware that Korean women are especially interested in beauty, right? Learn how to make your skin look good and younger with a Korean makeup artist in K-beauty style. ✅what kind of makeup style do you want to learn?? Ex) Natural makeup , Idol or celebrity makeup , Daily makeup Party makeup ✅What will you learn in the class? 0. Skin care that suits your skin type 1. Applying foundation that matches your skin tone 2. Applying eyeshadow correctly 3. Applying eyeliner and mascara correctly 4. Drawing eyebrows that can greatly influence your impression 5. Highlighting and shading to make your face look slimmer 6. Applying blush and lipstick correctly ❇️While the makeup artist will demonstrate to you the makeup skills on one side of your face, you can practice and master makeup with the meticulous help of experts. ❇️ Please tell me about your difficulties you encounter when you are doing your makeup and I will solve your problems. Please contact me for adjusting time and group lessons. If you are beginner, private lesson(1:1) is more effective than group.! Only makeup service is available. IG: @suyeonnnnnnnnnn
Absolute: Seoul Pub Crawl The ORIGINAL Seoul Pub Crawl and OFFICIAL sponsor of FUN and HAPPINESS in Seoul! Join us every Friday(in Itaewon) and Thursday& Saturday(in Hongdae) for three nights of "ABSOLUTE" FUN and HAPPINESS! Three events in the two most popular areas of Seoul! Socializing, dancing, and drinking are only a few of the things that you should expect from our amazing parties. Together with us, your friendly guides, and Party Animals from Korea and all around the world, you will visit 4+ bars/clubs and have fun while doing so! Join us on a pub crawl and experience what Seoul nightlife has to offer while making new friends and memories. *Group sizes may not always be the same, but our dedication to providing a fun and welcoming experience is always guaranteed *Thursdays offer a special chance for a more intimate pub crawl experience with smaller groups Other things to note 1. You MUST bring any PHYSICAL ID from your country (passport, drivers license, ID etc.)(NO photos) 2. Dress code is casual but NO gym shorts, tank tops(men), flip-flops, sandals, sweatpants, track pants etc. 3. You can join us if you are born in or before 2005 and not older than 40* years old(*soft limit, contact us if older and want to join) 4. In most clubs smoking is allowed
优惠 l 月光下的首尔漫步游
The best night walking tour with a local historian! Let's visit hidden gems that foreigners would not notice! Travel with June & Jessica. We are a local historian guides ready to make your travel more valuable :) Let's look at the cultures & social issues of local life with fantastic night views. This tour will absolutely make a great experience for you. (With a Perfect Sunset!!) We are walking up to a beautiful historical monument, Hanyang City Wall(Naksan park), which is famous for incredible night views of Seoul. More we walk up, the more lights will shine through the night of Seoul. On the top of the hill, all the scenery that Seoul wants to show you will bloom in your sight! On our way, we will be visiting Ehwa mural village, Maronie park, Seoul national university, Naksan park, and Hanyang city wall. Every single area has a unique atmosphere & stories of locals. And with a spoon of fun history, you will see Korea in a whole different view. Just bring your body in good condition. I will take you to places and give stories which foreigners would never find themselves. *For people with walking issues, it might be hard to join. Please text me in advance if you have one.
저의 아뜰리에에서 1시간 30분정도 여러분만의 기억과 이미지에 근거하여 자신이 표현하고자 하는 향을 만드실 겁니다. 자신만의 향을 만들때 400가지의 향수 재료들이 있기 때문에 여러분과 충분히 대화를 나누고 그 중에서 가장 여러분이 표현하고자 하는 향과 맞는 재료들을 4~8개 고르실 거에요. 고르신 향료들을 맡아보며 40g의 용량을 기준으로 비율들을 짜보며 나만의 향을 만드시고 완성되어진 향수는 가져가실 수 있습니다. 기타 주의사항 체험이 끝나고 50ml 향수를 제공해 드립니다.
We will row in Kayak or SUP and see beautiful sunset and night view, and have a chance to swim. You can feel peace of mind while looking at the quiet river. I'm going to talk to beautiful nature and cities. We can have a party or relax after the tour. drink beer or makgeolli and swim or tanning while looking at the Han River from my clubhouse. You will receive paddle and safety training. * Kayaking ends before sunset for safety reasons precautions 1.Bring extra clothes because it may get wet 2.Please prepare clothes according to the weather 3.Cancellation or refund is not possible because it is raining. 4.Even if it rains, the experience will not be canceled However, it may be canceled if it is deemed dangerous 5. No guide is provided during the day instead of lowering the price
【一定要读】 你好,我是Rae。 这是韓服( Hanbok )的「肖像摄影之旅」韓服。 我们将在景福宫( Gyeongbokgung palace )与您见面。 在参观宫殿的同时拍摄肖像。 1.房客可以穿韩服/或穿自己的衣服。 (此体验不提供韩服,客需要自行出租) 2.我们的主要射击场所是景福宫( Gyeongbokgung Palace )。 如果房客想更换房源, 如需了解具体的拍摄详情,请随时联系我。 3.提供70 ~ 400张原始照片,提供7 ~ 60张经过编辑的照片, 30% Photoshop/70%色彩校正 (取决于预订类型) 4.预订指示: 【一般/个人预订】 -如果独自旅行,您可以进行一般/个人预订。 (可供四人同时预订。 您可能会结识独自旅行的新朋友。) -拍摄时间将根据房客人数而定。 不用担心时间,不会影响照片的数量和质量! ! ! 包场预订】-【私人团体 预订需要最低价格。 当您预订住宿时,请务必为您的团体添加人数。 对于两人或两人以上的团体,请在确认页面上查看「独立团体」,您将获得更多折扣,也可以为您的团体获得整个时间段。 -我将为您提供一次更个性化的拍摄,以满足您的团体/家庭/个人摄影需求。 还有更多照片,
Korean bbq place of the month curated by the Host
***Location changes every month. ** We send recommendations for things to do around the kbbq location once you finish booking. ** Time can be adjusted based on your needs! If you need coordination, please DM us. In Korea, it can be difficult to order and eat Korean barbeque alone. BUT, I can be your food buddy. Me and my friends were born and raised in Seoul, and acquired all the knowledge about the best BBQ places in Seoul. If you are looking for the legit experience where you can eat the best KBBQ introduced by locals, you HAVE TO book this experience. Location will change every month, randomly selected by me and my friends(in Seoul). It will include our all time favorite restaurants, but also recently trending restaurants. During this experience, we will be having different parts of pork that Koreans usually enjoy, which includes pork belly, jowl meat, pork neck and more. If the event is happening at night, we can also enjoy drinking korean alcohol while learning different kinds of drinking game. (Alcohol price will be charged seperately) *** Please note!! This is not the experience where I give you a huge insight about tradition or eating culture, but it is more focused on 'eating together'. So I am just letting you know that you might be disappointed if you are expecting to learn traditional way to eat kbbq. (I can show how I personally like to eat tho)
  1. 爱彼迎
  2. 韩国
  3. 忠清北道
  4. Danyang-gun